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Dr. Baakee is one of the most skillful and celebrated surgeons and physicians now living. His fame is known personally in nearly every principal city in the world. All letters directed to Dr. Baakee, (enclosing ten cents) from any distance, correctly stating the nature of the disease, shall be promptly answered, and the patients treated by correspondence free of charge. Office hours from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Board of Trade

Prices and sales of Stocks in New York through Wm. Fisher & Son, Stock and Bill Brokers, No. 22 South Street:

Virgina 6’s



Missouri 6’s

90 ½


Illinois bonds



Canton Company



Erie Railroad

16 ¾

16 ¾

New York Central Railroad


84 ⅛

Reading Railroad

52 ¼

52 ¼

Panama Railroad



Cleveland & Toledo R.R.

31 ⅝


Michigan Southern R.R.

20 ⅜

20 ½

Cumberland Coal






Galena & Chicago

71 ¼

71 ⅝

La Crosse & Milwaukie



Milwaukie & Miss



Rock Island



Baltimore Market


There has been nothing done to-day in Coffee so far as we have heard. The stock here is very light and this fact checks transactions. Rio is very firm at 11@11 ½ cts. for fair, 11 ½ @ 11 ⅝ its. for good, and 11 ¾ @12 cts. for prime and we quote Languayra at 12@ 12 ½ its., and Java Coffee at 14 ½ @15 ½ cts. The importers of Coffee held another meeting to-day, and after resending their former action in relation to the allowance of tare, passed the following resolution, viz: That in consideration or the action of the importers of coffee in New York, we hereby agree that from and after the 1st of January, 1859, the tare to be allowed on Brazil Coffee sold by us, whether in single or double bags, shall be one per cent., the bills to berendered to the buyer as per weigher’s return without alllowance for scaleage.


The flour market continues inactive, but we have no change to note in its general condition. There was some inquiry on change for Howard Street Super, and good brands could have been sold at $5 per bbl., but the holders would not accept this figure. There were, however, no buyers at a higher rate. Ohio Super is dull. There were some lots offering at $5 per bbl., but the holders were not generally wiling to accept this figure. There was nothing done in City Mills Flour, nor did we hear of any inquiry for it. There is a wide range both in the price and quality of the various grades of City Mills Flour, and we quote Super at $4.87 ½ @5 for standard, $5.25@5.75 for fancy brands, and extra may be quoted at $5.37 ½ @5.50, and Howard Street do. at $5.50@5.75 per bbl. Rye flour is still quoted at $4, and we quote corn meat at $3.99 per bbl. for both Baltimore and Brandywine. Family flour — Family Flour is selling by the dray load to the trade at $7 50 for the principal brands of Baltimore ground, $7 for Old Dominion, and $7.75 per bbl. for Welch’s.


Corn was in rather better supply to-day than on yesterday, but of other varieties of grain the receipts were light. There was but little done to-day in any variety in consequence of the unfavorable weather, but all descriptions of grain were quite firm. Corn, of which there were about 13.000 bushels offered, was firm at 68 els for mixed, 69@71 cts. for white, and 72@75 cts. for yellow; and we quote wheat steady at 120@123 cts. for good to prime red, 135@145 cts. for fair to prime white, and 147@150 cts. for fancy lots do. There were about 5,500 bushels wheat received, but only a part of it was sold. Of rye there were 410 bushels offered, and a lot of 225 bushels Pennsylvania sold at 85 cts., and of oats there were about 3.000 bushels offered, most of which changed hands at 42@45 cts. for Maryland, and 45@47 cts. for Pennsylvania.


We have no transactions to note to-day in Molasses. There is no inquiry except for new crop New Orleans, and we quote this description at 37@38 cts. Foreign molasses is entirely neglected, and we can give no quotations for it.


Provisions are dull, and for all varieties the market is heavy. In Cincinnati the market is decidedly weaker, and prices have fallen off materially — bulk sides which sold there a week since at 8@8 ½ cts. loose, sold yesterday we learn at 7 ¼ @7 ½ cts. loose, a decline of ¾ of a cent per lb. There has been nothing done here to day in bulk meat, but we quote it nominal at 6 ⅜ cts. for shoulders, and 8 ¼ cts. for sides. There is some little inquiry for bacon, and we note sales of 30 hhds. Sides in two lots at 9 cts. Bacon shoulders are still held at 7 ½ cts., and we quote hams at 10 ½ @11 cts. per lb. We continue to quote mess pork at $17.50, prime do. at $14; and beef at $12 for no. 1, and $15 per bbl. for mess. Lard is lower. We note a sale to day of 100 bbls. Leaf at 11 cts.


We continue to quote rice as ranging from 3 ½ @3 ⅝ cts. for common to prime lots, but the market for it is quiet and the transactions limited.


The unfavorable weather prevents out of door transactions, and we hear of no sales of sugars to-day. There is some little inquiry for New Orleans, but the demand for foreign sugars is quite limited. We quote New Orleans as ranging from $7 to $8.25; refining grades Cuba and English Island at $6@6.62 ½; and grocers’ styles Cuba sugar at $6.75@7.25. There are no Porto Rico sugars here.


Liverpool Salt is in good demand, and we quote it firm at 90 cts. for ground alum, 135 cts. for Marshall’s and Jeffrey & Darcy’s fine, and 150 cts. per sack for Ashton’s do. Turks Island Salt may be quoted at 14@15 cts. per bushel afloat.


Cloverseed was quiet this morning and no sales were reported en change. We however quote it steady at $5.75@5.87 ½ for good to prime lots. Timothy Seed is nominal at $2@2.12 ½, and Flaxseed at $1.30@1.40 per bushel.


Whiskey is quiet, and the market for it is rather heavy. We quote city and Ohio at 24@24 ½ cts.